Αρσάκεια Πατρών

2012-1-RO1-COM06-22395 7 COMENIUS ΔΙΑ ΒΙΟΥ ΜΑΘΗΣΗΣ (2012-2014)

ΜΕ ΘΕΜΑ: «The healthy young people of today are the future of Europe tomorrow»

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Through a unitary approach the project promoted at the level of the 9 partner countries the principles of a healthy lifestyle (proper nourishment, the hygiene of the nourishment, sport in the open, sport and leisure activities)

This project informed and warned the students about the disastrous effects of adopting a chaotic unbalanced and unhealthy lifestyle and intended to stop the students ruining their health and hence social life and future.

The schools, in cooperation with the families and the authorizes institutions interested in creating a healthy lifestyle among teenagers, supported the students by creating of various contexts with a view to appropriating healthy lifestyle habits delivering the necessary education and encouraging them to get preoccupied by the identification of the factors which influence their health in a negative way and to reduce the behaviors which harm their health (unhealthy food, unbalanced diets, alcohol, tobacco or other harmful substances, the lack of physical exercises, the use of the Internet excessively, some forbidden TV shows or movies, which can affect the brain health or which can create strong addictions affecting the social life of the addicted one, no matter his age.

To reach our goals we dealt with four domains focusing on the first two:

1. Healthy food, the hygiene of food;

2. Sport and the physical activities;

3. The consuming of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs;

4. The negative influences of the TV and the Internet on the human psyche.

The activities proposed: leisure activities (picnic, sport activities, cookery exhibits entertainment evenings, volunteering activities for the disabled children, activities of drafting some materials), but also activities integrated in the curriculum (sport, TIC, literature, counseling and guidance, foreign languages, biology, chemistry, drawing and mathematics) drew the attention of the students and we believe that our efforts will determine them to continue having a responsible attitude toward both their own health and the others’ health and to act in order to preserve it.

The information campaigns concerning a healthy nourishment, the negative effects of the consumption of drugs, the harmful effects of some TV shows, the stress on the human psyche, the volunteering activities, the interactive meetings students-teachers-representatives of the local communities, the leisure activities they made the pupils become aware of a responsible behavior toward their own life, and the parents to adopt, together with their own children, a healthy lifestyle.

The intermediary  and final products: posters, drawings, flyers, calendars, leaflets, essays, exhibitions shown on the site of the project/ on the sites of the schools involved in the project were made with a view to becoming useful, firstly, to those who created them and secondly to the whole community so that we should all be able to take advantage of them.

• Through its activities, beyond the prosper activities, this partnership project promoted:

• The information exchange, attitudes and experiences;

• The development of the students’ desire to transmit not only to their generation but also to the future generations the principles of a healthy lifestyle;

• The development of team spirit;

• The development of the tolerance and respect for the people around and for other cultures;

• The development of the self-esteem;

• The development of the awareness that adolescents can be directly  responsible for their own future;

• A major change of the teachers’ perceptions concerning a different view of some subjects (their introduction in the curriculum of different subjects), the approach ability of the same themes at different levels of age using the system of European teaching practices;

• The improvement of the linguistic competences and of communication in a foreign language, of the TIC abilities during classes or during different leisure activities;

• The approach of some teaching techniques more motivating for students by the teachers;

• The improvement of the relations between teachers, students but also teacher-student;

• The creation of some learning situations which stimulated the spirit of initiative, the activity of working in a team, the students’ motivation for permanent learning;

• The personal development of students for the professional integration and for the active citizens at a European level;

• The communication for the intermediary or final products;

• A prosper medium for socializing;

• The teachers and students’ opening toward European opportunities;

• The creation of a professional bond between teachers.



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Δραστηριότητες και εκδηλώσεις στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Comenius (2012-2014)

Υλικό που παρουσιάστηκε στο πλαίσιο τού προγράμματος Comenius
