
The official inauguration of the School took place on January 30th 1892. On February 3rd 1892 the lessons began.
The Present

The Arsakeio of Patra is one of the oldest educational foundations in
The school premises combine the very best of environmental and building specifications.
The Arsakeia Schools of Patra include Kindergarten, Elementary School, Secondary and
In 1972 was founded the Association of Patra Graduates of Arsakeio of Patra and has continued its various activities since then.
The Arsakeio of Patra has a common timetable, organization, structure and level of studies as all the other Arsakeia Schools (in
The exceptional successes of its students sitting for the General Exams prove the high standard of the education offered by the Arsakeia Schools.
The Future
The parents and students of Arsakeio of Patra in collaboration with the deserving, dynamic educational personnel of this historic School are asked to share in leading the Arsakeio School of Patra to further successes.
The conditions are ideal for practicing high standards of education and keeping traditions set by the Arsakeia Schools through the years.